Thursday, 19 April 2018

The Christmas Bullet Was The Worst Plane Ever Made

quote [ It was the worst military aircraft of all time. Developed by a man described as โ€œthe greatest charlatan ever to see his name associated with an airplane,โ€ the Christmas Bullet was the rare kind of fighter which had a perfect kill ratio: it killed everyone who ever tried to fly it.

The Christmas Bullet is a product of a bygone age when a lone madman could get rich convincing a New York senator, an established aerospace firm, and the U.S. military all at once that he could develop the greatest aircraft the world had ever seen. ]

Fascinating to see just how far back the military-industrial complex goes.
[SFW] [science & technology] [+4 WTF]
[by Space_1889@9:41pmGMT]

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