Sunday, 10 November 2024
quote [ "Instead of establishing new narratives that might also misrepresent these people's experiences, the genetic results encourage reflection on the dangers of making up stories about gender and family relationships in past societies based on present-day expectations," he said. ]
Humm, there's not much to add to that quote. Okay, maybe the title leans a bit in clickbait territory.
WeiYang said @ 6:24pm GMT on 11th Nov
[Score:1 Good]
I once heard an archeologist who was opposed to immediately excavating sites say "archeology is not a science, it's a technique". And here comes this article making the point, in my eyes, that a technique(or science) is only as good as the technician.
Hugh E. said @ 1:18pm GMT on 11th Nov
Shipping cadavers is kind of odd if you think about it.
But people do love a good story. Even people who write an article about how the stories got a lot wrong and conclude applying stories is problematic include story elements in the article. |
stv179 said @ 1:52pm GMT on 11th Nov
Not assigning anything is not a real solution either - maybe labeling it a bit better?