Trouble Tickets

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Problem: Inventory not available to gift people despite large number of gifts
Description: In notifications, the "You have 3 silver gifts to give" points to a non-linked "/inventory.php" and when I go to the inventory through the user info page, none of the gifts are linkable or clickable.

[Problem Category: Subscriptions] [by AssBastard @2:53pm] [Closed]

steele said @7:38am on 22nd Dec
Fixed the notification link.
Added a username search box to the user's default inventory page in order to make the gifting flow more intuitive.

steele said @4:12pm on 21st Dec status changed to: [Assigned]
To give gifts you need to click on person's profile and click on the give gift link. I'll check on the notification link. Probably my screw up :)

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