Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Comcast to impose home internet data cap of 1.2TB in more than a dozen US states next year

quote [ In January and February [2021], Comcast will give its Xfinity customers not on an unlimited plan a “credit” for any data usage charges over 1.2TB during those months to ease them into the new limits. Then, starting in March, non-unlimited customers who exceed 1.2TB in a month will be charged $10 per 50GB of data, for a maximum of $100. ]

So we had that article proposing they charge a tax, equal to $10 per day for telecommuters.
It’s not about who would dare implement these COVID fees. It’s “Who will be next?”

When people were still vocal about saving Net Neutrality, Comcast said they would never cap your data or throttle your speed. FCC voted out those rules in 2017.
[SFW] [business] [+3 Sad]
[by damnit]
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mechavolt said @ 10:50pm GMT on 24th November
My teenage through mid-20s self would be devastated by this (bandwith adjusted for inflation). My late 30s self just doesn't have enough time/obsessiveness to download that much anymore.

That just reminded me of that perl script that someone on SE wrote...fusker I think? Man, I used to download gigs of videos at one go with that thing.

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