Wednesday, 20 February 2019

πŸŽ‰πŸΎ5 freaking years!πŸΎπŸŽ‰

quote [ Oh, fuck yeah! You're so freaking hot the way you click that subscribe button. That's it, shower my naked body with your dirty digital singles. Make me your capitalist whore! Oh! God, Yes!!! ]

We made it another one! Thanks for being here, be sure to thank the subscribers that are still keeping the lights on around here. I'm still plugging away at code in the background trying to make my stupid new features work within our means while wondering why old features randomly stop working. Seriously, it's really weird. I think some of the site's functions are getting blacklisted. Or the site is haunted..., I'm open to the possibilities.

Not a lot going on otherwise; I'm fulltime caring for my grandfather who is in hospice now, so I apologize if I get a bit cranky... Unless you deserve it. ;)

Oh, and Oy the Cat is doing fine now, no more pee issues. But we're both a bit stir crazy. The road is calling.

I'm just gonna repeat last years plea for cash as it's still the same:
Subscriptions keep the site lights on and food in my belly, always much appreciated. There's a monthly recurring option as well as a buggy, but usable, one time payment option. Just an FYI, because of the way my student loan repayment assistance works I'm going to have to disable the one time payments for a few months as summer approaches when I go to reapply for assistance or else your one-time payment gets treated by them as 1/12 of my annual income no matter how much I try to tell them that it's not a monthly recurrence. #FuckYouSallyMaeNavient

As always, don't feed the fucking (or non-fucking) trolls.
[NSFW] [Meta SE] [+10 Classy Pr0n]
[by steele]
<-- Entry / Comment History

LacheChance said @ 1:21am GMT on 25th February
I remember a time when we didn't have that rule. In fact I think I still have a sub-par post stuck in the buffer because I never posted it, and now it's too late. Both because of my slow karma gain and all the links are probably dead.

LacheChance said @ 1:21am GMT on 25th February
I remember a time when we didn't have that rule. In fact I think I still have a sub-par post stuck in the buffer because I never published it, and now it's too late. Both because of my slow karma gain and all the links are probably dead.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
LacheChance said @ 1:21am GMT on 25th February [Score:1 Informative]
I remember a time when we didn't have that rule. In fact I think I still have a sub-par post stuck in the buffer because I never published it, and now it's too late. Both because of my slow karma gain and all the links are probably dead.

Posts of Import
SE v2 Closed BETA
First Post
Subscriptions and Things

Karma Rankings