Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Another attempt at RPGin'!

So... we've had a few failed attempts, but I'd be willing to GM a game of either Rifts or the new Star Wars RPG, as those are the books I have. (Well, I still also have the TMNT RPG, which uses the same system as Rifts, so that's in play too, if anyone is desperate for some mutant animal RPGing)

At this point, I just want to guage interest. I'd run it through Mythweavers, as we did before, and could promise at the very minimum, weekly updates on Wednesdays, but likely I'd be able to do at least small things any day of the week. I also promise that I don't have any major life changes or work changes upcoming, so there'll be no excuse if I flake out and no reason for me to.

I'd say I'd want at least three players, but we could do two in a pinch. More than three is gravy.
I could also consider other systems, if there was strong interest in playing it, but I don't have a lot of experience with others. I know some GURPS, old school AD&D and a bit of Shadowrun. However, if I'm going to be GM, I'd prefer a system that I know.

Sign up here and and I'll start working on a campaign if there's enough responses. I'd aim to begin no later than the start of September, but we could begin anywhere in August as well.

FYI, for those that don't know, the Star Wars RPG requires some collaborative character creation. Rifts, as far as I'm concerned, players could get as wild as they wanted and it wouldn't matter, cos I'd throw you all in the meat grinder anyway. The story in Rifts isn't as important (imo) as Star Wars, cos Rifts is more about crazy action and fun, and SW is a little more narrative focussed.

Anyway... thoughts, questions, suggestions, lay 'em on me.
[SFW] [games] [+8]
[by b]
<-- Entry / Comment History

R1Xhard said @ 11:02pm GMT on 28th July
I'd am interested in participating, but am coming from next to no experience on paper role playing. Played board games and LAN's but never a paper game if you could stand a noob then consider me in :D

R1Xhard said @ 12:06am GMT on 29th July
I am interested in participating, but am coming from next to no experience on paper role playing. Played board games and LAN's but never a paper game if you could stand a noob then consider me in :D

<-- Entry / Current Comment
R1Xhard said @ 11:02pm GMT on 28th July [Score:1 Good]
I am interested in participating, but am coming from next to no experience on paper role playing. Played board games and LAN's but never a paper game if you could stand a noob then consider me in :D

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