Saturday, 16 December 2017

Generation Screwed

quote [ Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.

Like everyone in my generation, I am finding it increasingly difficult not to be scared about the future and angry about the past. ]
[SFW] [dystopian violence] [+2]
[by foobar@5:43pmGMT]


BUGGERLUGS123 said[1] @ 9:02pm GMT on 16th Dec [Score:2 laz0r]
The only reason the millennial's are screwed is because the 1% isn't paying any taxes. The same 1% who own the majority of shares in all the major corporations in the world.

Millennial's don't suffer from a problem with entitlement, they realize they have very little future, because they're entire life will be worked for the benefit of their slave masters not them.
lilmookieesquire said @ 6:07pm GMT on 16th Dec

That was quick. Iā€™m over 40, I had to. Everyone is getting shafted but really getting shafted is all millenials have experienced.

The democrats really are missing an opportunity to carry an entire generation of voters. The 1% have pretty successfully undermined democratic government in a way millenials and probably Xers have had minimal input in.

America has had the chance to fix campaign finance reform and gerrymandering for ages.
HoZay said @ 7:18pm GMT on 16th Dec
America has had the chance to fix campaign finance reform and gerrymandering for ages.
Right, by voting completely differently than they have in the past twenty+ years.
backSLIDER said @ 3:49am GMT on 17th Dec
By dismantling their biggest pay off.
rhesusmonkey said @ 7:06am GMT on 17th Dec
When did "Millennial" become anyone that was 18 in the year 2000 and younger? What ever happened to "GenY"? I associated "Millennial" with anyone entering the workforce in last five years, so basically under 30/ born in the 90's. The description here makes very little sense to me, as i'm still under 40 but entered the workforce between two recessions.
LurkerAtTheGate said @ 8:25pm GMT on 17th Dec
The guy who coined the term "Millenial" used it to refer to the kids who were going to graduate in the year 2000, which in the US usually means 18y/o.
Anonynonymous said @ 7:23pm GMT on 17th Dec
This is precisely why my best friend from high school dropped out of college and pursued a career as an electrician back in 2002. People thought he was stupid at the time. But he now makes a healthy low 6 figure salaries running shit with years of experiences on his belt. And more importantly, debt free.

People need to understand that college and white collar jobs simply aren't the fast track to success anymore.
HoZay said @ 7:57pm GMT on 17th Dec [Score:1 Underrated]
That was a good choice in 2002. Those skilled labor jobs are doomed also. More modular building tech combined with breaking unions will turn high-skill jobs into low-pay assembly work. A tech leap forward (wireless power transmission? Robotic linemen?) might transform the industry. Lots of people are working away trying to disrupt any field that pays well. It's already a different kind of work than it was for a previous generation, with more of it done by machines or non-union workers.
milkman666 said @ 8:52pm GMT on 18th Dec
Fucking carpenters. More often then not they just put up drywall. Once in a blue moon maybe you do restoration work, or if you mainline in it, you do bespoke cabinetry.

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