Saturday, 16 December 2017

Harry Reid to be played by David Duchovny

quote [ The Pentagon, at the direction of Congress, a decade ago quietly set up a multi-million dollar program to investigate what are popularly known as unidentified flying objects—UFOs. ]

Merry Christmas! Ayy lmao!

"We tried to work within the system," Elizondo told POLITICO in a recent interview. "We were trying to take the voodoo out of voodoo science."

He described scores of unexplained sightings by Navy pilots and other observers of aircraft with capabilities far beyond what is currently considered aerodynamically possible. The sightings, Elizondo told POLITICO, were often reported in the vicinity of nuclear facilities, either ships at sea or power plants. "We had never seen anything like it."
[SFW] [religion & spirituality]
[by Ussmak@9:13pmGMT]


Ankylosaur said @ 2:33am GMT on 17th Dec
At least it cost less than Nancy Pelosi's search for Bigfoot. My god! The billions wasted on trail cams and foot-print casting plaster!

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