Wednesday, 2 October 2024

I underestimated a CS puzzle...again. (Backwards Conway's Game of Life)

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Fun with math. ?? ????

A take on Conway's Game of Life.

An interesting video, good to see that head way has been done; even more in this.
[SFW] [pr0n] [+1 Interesting]
[by R1Xhard@10:16amGMT]


Leezurd said @ 4:32am GMT on 3rd Oct [Score:2 Funsightful]

You don't have permission to access this resource.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request."
avid said @ 11:58pm GMT on 6th Oct [Score:1 Classy Pr0n]
I was a bit surprised that no solution similar to Hashlife is used. Seems like you could combine it with rainbow tables to reverse the problem so that you can exhaustively calculate in the forward direction and then lookup the reverse direction, similar to cracking password hashes.
R1Xhard said @ 4:41am GMT on 3rd Oct
steele said @ 1:58pm GMT on 3rd Oct
Need to use the youtube shortlinks for posts. The server is choking on the links that include a question mark or maybe the equal symbol..

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