Monday, 1 February 2016

Chicago cop shoots teenager, sues family for emotional distress afterwards

quote [ Officer Robert Rialmo responded to a domestic disturbance call at Quintonio LeGrier's home on December 26.

The 19-year-old died after suffering six gunshot wounds. The autopsy report showed four of them were located on the back of his body.

Rialmo now wants to sue LeGrier and his family on the grounds of assault and emotional distress, CBS Chicago reported. ]

Windy City's gotten a lot colder in the last few years.

I cannot help thinking that US police in general is pretty much out of control these days. Not only do officers shoot anyone holding some sort of weapon (or what they think could be a weapon or used as a weapon) on sight regardless of whether the holder is a threat to them, they apparently feel the need to fuck with the lives of their families and blame their own mistakes - shooting bystanders - on others.
[SFW] [Quickies] [+2 WTF]
[by Taleweaver@7:20amGMT]


sanepride said @ 7:45am GMT on 1st Feb
Original source because the Daily Mail sucks balls.
The lawsuit is just a silly legal maneuver. The outrage is the shooting itself, especially the death of the innocent neighbor.
Taleweaver said[1] @ 9:52am GMT on 1st Feb
Yeah, absolutely, though I think in the US legal system, blaming the death on innocent bystanders on the perpetrator of a crime if the police used firearms to stop said crime is how it's supposed to work. did a good series on that, if I remember correctly. Man robs bank using firearm but doesn't fire it. Police arrives and shoots but instead of perpetrator kills kid. Man surrenders and is now tried for murder of the kid.
sanepride said @ 4:27pm GMT on 1st Feb [Score:1 Underrated]
What's important to understand here is the difference between criminal and civil actions (i.e. being charged with a crime vs. being sued). Pretty much any anybody can sue anybody else for any perceived wrong, but it's usually for financial compensation (or to make some public point), there's no risk of imprisonment. So we have a lot of frivolous lawsuits, most get dismissed before ever getting to court, hopefully that will happen in this case.
That being said, the problem with our legal system isn't necessarily that such a lawsuit can take place, it's that police officers all too often aren't held criminally accountable when they use excessive force. Plus the ongoing issue of a police culture and law enforcement system that remains overly militarized, insular, and unjust/racist.
snagUber said[2] @ 7:02pm GMT on 1st Feb
darn cannot embed what I wanted :(

Taleweaver said @ 7:12am GMT on 2nd Feb
If I remember correctly, that cop wasn't held accountable for the "accidental shooting", but he didn't try to sue the guy he shot in the neck either, did he?
snagUber said @ 4:33am GMT on 3rd Feb
I don't know much about this case but I remember he also "forgot" to inform EMT that he shoot someone and the wounded guy was found later agonizing.

I am really shocked by the nonchalant way this cop unholsters and shoots a guy trying to get out of a wreckage, unarmed and with both hands visible.

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