Sunday, 25 December 2016

Christmas Fight Club

quote [ In the Peruvian Andes, folks know how to celebrate the season right. What they do is, they put on a colorful ski mask, dress up like Mad Max mountain bikers, tie a dead eagle to their heads, and get drunk and dance for about a week straight. Then, come Christmas morning, they all gather together in the middle of town and beat the baby bejesus out of each other. ]

Christmas festivities vary widely around the world and are widely a steaming crock of boring shit. Oh, Swedish girls wear a crown of candles the night before Chistmas? Please tell me more about this scintillating national cust-snzzzZZZZZZZZZ.

In the Peruvian Andes, folks know how to celebrate the season right. What they do is, they put on a colorful ski mask, dress up like Mad Max mountain bikers, tie a dead eagle to their heads, and get drunk and dance for about a week straight. Then, come Christmas morning, they all gather together in the middle of town and beat the baby bejesus out of each other. Now we're talking, right?

The festival is called Takanakuy, and it's equal parts sporting event, indigenous display of hypermasculine defiance in the face of all the lily-white metropolitan sissies in Lima, and makeshift judicial system. The province of Chumbivilcas, where Takanakuy takes place, has about three cops total and is a stomach-wrecking 10-hour drive through the mountains to the nearest courthouse. So if you've got a beef with a neighbor or someone's taken your girl or your sheep, you don't go crying about it to some judge. You bury it away until Christmas, then get yourself all beered up and exact some Andean justice with your fists and feet. Guys, girls, little kids, old drunk men in high-waisted pants; everybody in town fights at Takanakuy.
Takanakuy - VICE
[SFW] [religion & spirituality] [+3 Interesting]
[by 7@5:01pmGMT]


7 said @ 5:40pm GMT on 25th Dec [Score:1 Informative]
HoZay said @ 2:56am GMT on 26th Dec [Score:1 Informative]
This is a better explanation, tho the main link has better fighting and music.
7 said @ 1:34pm GMT on 26th Dec
Yeah, I ran across this video after I had already posted the other, but this is what led me to make the post in the first place - I saw this on TV, but I didn't think it would be on youtube, so I didn't really look for it.
HoZay said @ 4:35pm GMT on 26th Dec [Score:1 Funny]
This is one of the all-time best xmas posts ever.
lilmookieesquire said @ 5:46pm GMT on 25th Dec
I'm wondering if this helps deal with bad blood in an isolated community and I'm curious if there are rules about how you have to punch because I'm not in love with the form- but those are still brutal swings for essentially bare knuckle boxing. The dude in the first could seconds had his arms go up which IIRC is a sign of concussion.
7 said @ 1:42pm GMT on 26th Dec
This probably started out as a good thing culturally that has morphed into something else. I was caught fighting with another student when I was in like the 5th grade, and we were given to the coach, who put us in a little room with pads on the floor. He told us to go ahead and finish our fight. That lesson put me off fighting. I suspect that might have been the type of logic behind this tradition that has turned into more of a sport.
HoZay said @ 6:13pm GMT on 25th Dec
Now that's an airing of grievances.

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