profile - mechanical contrivance

Member since Saturday, 22 February 2014
Last visited on Wednesday, 12 February 2025

mechanical contrivance has posted 24 entries , 6906 comments, has a karma score of 1109.83 and has moderated other users +100 Interesting .

mechanical contrivance has this to say
Other people are having more fun than you.

God is a coping mechanism for death.

Facts don't become true unless you acknowledge them.

You've been lied to before, and you'll be lied to again.

If the facts contradict my beliefs, then the facts must be wrong.

Mental illness is fairly common.

Most people don't know and don't care.

My eyes and ears can play tricks on me, but my preconceived notions can't possibly be wrong.

It doesn't matter what the facts are. It only matters what people think the facts are.

Adulthood begins at unemplyoment.

What is the sound of one hand fapping?

Apathy makes life less stressful.

Life is pain. Just FYI.

I need to ignore a lot of facts in order to maintain my worldview. It's challenging, but I've gotten better at it over the years.

You will be judged.

They say hindsight is 20/20, but they don't take into account ignorance and stupidity.

No matter how bad things are, they can always get worse.

The internet is full of boners.

People are stupid. Get used to it.

Second dinner is what makes life worth living.

Love is what keeps us from murdering our children.

Proffreading is for loosers.

I'm glad I was born after toilet paper was invented.

Look on the bright side; some day, you'll be dead.

On the internet, no one knows you're naked. And a horse.

You can't murder someone twice.

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