random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

much like the push-up bra, we like to support boobies - Tirade

it sounds like something you want, but you don't - radioelectric

nazis and terrorists have sweethearts waiting for them back home too - ENZ

you gave your game away with the Troll Moderation - circulate

eat clit or die! - vahid

defiling the lifebag of man - tamp

who says love can't give a man an erection? - MmmFiber

I don't think I can maintain an erection while straddling someone's chest and just punching them in the face - swiggy

too subversive to be subtle - Chop-Logik

the safeword is 'RANCH' - Roulette1337

want to see cockphagia? - ckfahrenheit

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