random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

we welcome anyone who is intelligent and difficult to offend - spite48

you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake - leezurd

that noise is the ladies of SE moistening. - papango

legally speaking, we're all sodomists anyway - Barnabas_Truman

a serving of foamy prawn gel between courses helps to cleanse the palate - Saint_Marck

how I imagine madpride, only without the anuses - cb361

he who falls asleep with sex problem on mind, often wakes up with solution on hand - Chop-Logik

I cant risk letting my right hand cramp up - lilmookieesquire

I wish I could upmod again for the rectovag exam - sociology_boy

this should be a tagline - Trigger

another failed attempt at capitalizing on an Internet meme - damnit

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