random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

my sock is now my sword - Gyro

they won't rest until they give every social interaction creepy undertones - zkhan

nothing kills the mood faster than a punch to the cunt - Bodnoirbabe

still illegal, even if they are lesbian polygamists - Amul Muzz

is their server slow or am I fapping too fast? - virgindog

some people have more time on their hands than seems healthy - cb361

keeps palms in business - Baxter_UK

it's not gay if he looks like a chick - mechanical contrivance

you could have someone foster your ovum - eIfish

Batman is batman with a blue sky and green grass. Not a corpse on a tightrope with a fish - ukdollars

head, shoulders heart and groin, HEART AND GROIN - symmetrian

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