random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

war is peace. Freedom is slavery.Penis is Vagina - Dioxin

like the deafening padded silence of a thousand cats - cb361

if you're sock puppeting to save your reputation, you're not drunk enough - Dioxin

they won't rest until they give every social interaction creepy undertones - zkhan

golden Sharias for Justice! - Sgt Harry Snapper Organs..

because war is awesome in movies - sanepride

to activate the unit, one must tap the unit - HoZay

it's not porn if it doesn't have genitals. - Misanthrope

ranging from oddly flattering to uncomfortably violating - Baxter_UK

it doesn't count as a handjob if you do it yourself - Context

let crazy put its dick in you - cb361

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