random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

one mans pRon is another man WTF - NickelJoe

where herds of sluts run wild like feral ponies, humping everything in sight - lilmookieesquire

I'm not sure I see the point to a sex bot who's only vulnerability is exposure to fluids - foobar

fap 'til you puke - kang

damn I am indignant and my panties are in a bunch - madpride

we welcome anyone who is intelligent and difficult to offend - spite48

new KRAFT squeeze-away-cancer, in all your favorite flavors - symmetrian

because war is awesome in movies - sanepride

Cry faps, and let slip the dogs of porn! - ralfmaximus

war is peace. Freedom is slavery.Penis is Vagina - Dioxin

masturbating is like slapping God repeatedly, in the face - Nihil

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