random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

during his precious visitation time he was posting to SE again! - lilmookieesquire

masturbating is like slapping God repeatedly, in the face - Nihil

taser him again, boys - Moke

all these tagline suggestions are too damn long to fit anywhere - Saint_Marck

better to have clicked and hated than never to have clicked at all - sanepride

would it annoy me if someone shat in my bathtub? - Nihil

if she's good enough to be my friend, she's good enough for my junk - ComposerNate

KA-CHING! rape dollars! - sacrelicious

porn is expensive. Pr0n is free - Saint_Marck

good for your brain AND your prostate - PottyMouth

what, you were expecting Kenneth Branagh? - Amul Muzz

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