random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

head, shoulders heart and groin, HEART AND GROIN - symmetrian

it's not porn if it doesn't have genitals. - Misanthrope

I came for the beaver, I stayed for the quantum theory. And then I came for the beaver again - verycleanteeth

interesting, if partially nonsensical and disheartening? - mura

you cannot offend the truly innocent - Rapscallion

we're all boob girls here, trust me - spazm

fettucine, linguine, martini bikini - another_it

still running version .9 - King of the Hill

if you're not jerking off to it anyway, get the hell out. - assbastard

you dont waste your time here, You invest it - crwk8

some people have more time on their hands than seems healthy - cb361

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