random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

not bad, but not really good either. It's just sort of there, like Denmark. - PottyMouth

because we're all bent over a table, and the nervous ass-sweat is providing lubrication - Context

you ended up on SE, so the impact on your development is very clear - HPew

you and the goat will appreciate it in the end - lilmookieesquire

the vagina of the female duck is a winding labyrinth that warrants the male's crazy corkscrew of a cock - snowfox

terrorism I can sink my teeth into - Chop-Logik

are you a dick in real life too? - zkhan

the truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off - madpride

I came for the beaver, I stayed for the quantum theory. And then I came for the beaver again - verycleanteeth

beer seriously kicked my ass - graham

never get into a pissing contest with a bunch of pedantic pseudo-intellectuals - rezties

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