random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

a wretched soul is he who does not live or lust under summer's rule - arrowhen

fake testicles were a free speech issue - hell yeah

if it shouldn't go in the mouth, it shouldn't go in the body - ComposerNate

we didn't invent fucked-up, we just made it better - ckfahrenheit

when come back bring pr0n - moriati

better to have clicked and hated than never to have clicked at all - sanepride

this should be a tagline - Trigger

don't hold it up to your remaining eye - f00m@nB@r

it's not because people were disagreeing with me. It's because they were disagreeing with reality - Naruki

on the internet, you'll always be 18 to us - Navier-Strokes

I let go of all my sky babies" - Aidentas

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