random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

this is SE: you can fuck anything - Naruki

that noise is the ladies of SE moistening. - papango

blessed are the Fundamentalists, for they shall inhibit the earth. - tamp

stroking should generally move from the edges ... to the middle - drunk

Batman is batman with a blue sky and green grass. Not a corpse on a tightrope with a fish - ukdollars

ranging from oddly flattering to uncomfortably violating - Baxter_UK

priceless. And worthless. - sanepride

how do you develop a resistance to something that drills a hole in you and injects DNA - moriati

it's not about the panties. It's what's inside that counts - swiggy

war is peace. Freedom is slavery.Penis is Vagina - Dioxin

KA-CHING! rape dollars! - sacrelicious

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