random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

comedic sociopathy is what I do for a hobby - rndmnmbr

a Canadian's ass is like a Play-doh Fun Factory - -_-

marked NSFW because I know you fuckers too well. - Transfer

I'd still do her, just wouldn't listen to her - Navier-Strokes

teaching people how to type one handed since 2002 - Metatron5369

KA-CHING! rape dollars! - sacrelicious

the truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off - madpride

if I can fap to this so can you - Saint_Marck

sometimes a cigar is just a penis - Nihil

your dongle is not unlike a cownipple - theolypse

not a fan of little girls or kittens? do NOT click this link - bltrocker

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