random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

stand in Steve Jobs' living room and produce oxygen - Ankylosaur

to activate the unit, one must tap the unit - HoZay

-1,000,000 you cost me a blowjob - horseinsheep

I wouldn't want to masturbate to a porn star who wanted me to masturbate to them. - cb361

much like the push-up bra, we like to support boobies - Tirade

typed this one-handed - uncletim

fapping all over the world -

i wanna see your old hard drives - pmar13

I romanced my girlfriend both ways. It made her cry into the pillow - banksr0

if I can fap to this so can you - Saint_Marck

PeTA vs Blackwater: No matter who loses, we win - paxInanis

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