random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

it's because of all the working hours and cocaine - eIfish

we're all boob girls here, trust me - spazm

horse fellators. All of them. - ralfmaximus

yeah, and what about gay porn? - sacrelicious

if we stop respecting 'dibs' then the world will dissolve into chaos - balzac

the beauty of rape dollars, is you can pay with them whether he accepts or not - Makopelli

it's not random, but it's not sensible either - FifthSpango

better to have clicked and hated than never to have clicked at all - sanepride

a real real man would use a sensible erectant - EPT

KA-CHING! rape dollars! - sacrelicious

better sign up for a prepaid legal, you gonna need it - fz75

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