random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

keep it down and keep it dirty - moriati

come for the porn, stay for the psychoanalysis - Barnabas_Truman

condoms: like wrapping a plastic bag over the heads of a million infants! - sacrelicious

the truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off - madpride

damn I am indignant and my panties are in a bunch - madpride

golden Sharias for Justice! - Sgt Harry Snapper Organs..

Not Safe For Work. Or for people with morals - max_damage78

how I imagine madpride, only without the anuses - cb361

I like that bear's buttocks - warmseat

I think I understand why matt wanted out - Jewbacchus

sex for the ego, porn for the id - Lord Hypnos

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