random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

sex for the ego, porn for the id - Lord Hypnos

if it doesn't seem right, it probably belongs here - soulecho

I'm from Chicago, and yeah, we're all pretty much gigantic hypocrites with big penises - horseinsheep

fuck my ass, I suck - Chop-Logik

Girls are like voltron, the more you stick together, the better it gets. - Chop-Logik

blessed are the Fundamentalists, for they shall inhibit the earth. - tamp

because the only thing more awesome than having a team of ninjas and a harem is having it be the same team - Jewbacchus

which do you prefer sir, high or low velocity? - theolypse

I didn't design the darn thing ;) - steele

terrorism I can sink my teeth into - Chop-Logik

I didn't learn anything, I'm not a better person, but I laughed and wasted a few minutes - Mopy J

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