random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

having a penis that weighs more than a duck is actually a hassle - -_-

I just got rickrolled by The Guardian - Stratafyre

I understand and I wish to continue - lost

An aspiring tugger should probably consult a doctor before getting started... - HP Lovekraftwerk

I didn't learn anything, I'm not a better person, but I laughed and wasted a few minutes - Mopy J

Not Safe For Work. Or for people with morals - max_damage78

averaging 1.5 nipples a post - ahPook

still illegal, even if they are lesbian polygamists - Amul Muzz

a mostly-NSFW online community - Baxter_UK

don't dream it... SE it... - leswilkerson

it's gonna be a huge weinerfest - Silent

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