random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

yeah, and what about gay porn? - sacrelicious

my night action is as follows: I lament the wasted day while masturbating and eating cake. Then I cower in a corner - spite48

nerdy girls are a singularity for dicks. - Nihil

terrorism I can sink my teeth into - Chop-Logik

Digg for dicks - plexer

why would anyone want to worship someone who leaves stains everywhere he goes? - sacrelicious

taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagliiiiiiiiine - ckfahrenheit

is their server slow or am I fapping too fast? - virgindog

it's gonna be a huge weinerfest - Silent

first you have to convince Saint Marck to not be a useless pile of shit - Jewbacchus

during his precious visitation time he was posting to SE again! - lilmookieesquire

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