random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

when nine hundred years old you reach, fap as good you will not - EPT

Putting the fun in mastur-fun-bation. - forgotten

you have brought me joy... but now I'm horny and alone - snowfox

sometimes a cigar is just a penis - Nihil

who the hell stabs a newborn 135 times? Anything beyond one is excessive - phunkeybuddha

please line up on the left to receive your complementary oversized dildo and Tamp Pride shirt - psychotim

nerdy girls are a singularity for dicks. - Nihil

first you have to convince Saint Marck to not be a useless pile of shit - Jewbacchus

when come back bring pr0n - moriati

interesting, if partially nonsensical and disheartening? - mura

never get into a pissing contest with a bunch of pedantic pseudo-intellectuals - rezties

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