random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

take that, verb tenses - Dioxin

a vagina may not be a clown car but an ass is not a storage locker - tamp

how do you develop a resistance to something that drills a hole in you and injects DNA - moriati

we welcome anyone who is intelligent and difficult to offend - spite48

it's almost like having friends - cb361

why havent we replaced MORE fabrics with bacon-cloth? - wottan

I wouldn't want to masturbate to a porn star who wanted me to masturbate to them. - cb361

if you're sock puppeting to save your reputation, you're not drunk enough - Dioxin

It's easy to tell whether a cartoonist is conservative by seeing whether they portray the President as an uppity black man - KingPellinore

it's gonna be a huge weinerfest - Silent

society is the condom that protects us from being complete dicks to each other. It's pretty thin but it works 99% of the time - devilsad

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