random Sensible Endowment tag lines:

man is the most extraordinary computer of all. And women are even cooler - Context

I couldn't stand to leave my fuzzbutt behind - granitewitch

please line up on the left to receive your complementary oversized dildo and Tamp Pride shirt - psychotim

bitches don't know about my particular set of skills - danshyu

The Res-erection - brat#3

would it annoy me if someone shat in my bathtub? - Nihil

poetry is what happens when words get together for a gay orgy - arrowhen

fuck my ass, I suck - Chop-Logik

condoms: like wrapping a plastic bag over the heads of a million infants! - sacrelicious

I hereby suggest that a new verb for the act of cunnilingus be created - KingPellinore

constructed from mind-glue like a brain castle - Baxter_UK

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