Thursday, 12 October 2017

Law society's new policy compels speech, crossing line that must not be crossed

quote [ A recent message almost made me choke on my sandwich. “New obligations for 2017” was its subject line, “Actions you need to take.” All lawyers, it said, must prepare and submit a personal “Statement of Principles” attesting that we value and promote equality, diversity and inclusion. ]

I wonder if this has anything to do with the C-16 debates?
Another perspective: LSUC implements reporting requirements for diversity and inclusion
[SFW] [politics] [+1 Underrated]
[by Jodan]
<-- Entry / Comment History

foobar said @ 7:38pm GMT on 15th October
Just like a college of physicians has the power to pull a doctor's license. There's no threat of unemployment, it's a professional certification that includes ethical requirements. If you aren't a sufficiently ethical person, you're not qualified to be a lawyer.

foobar said @ 7:38pm GMT on 15th October
Just like a college of physicians has the power to pull a doctor's license. There's no threat of unemployment, it's a professional certification that includes ethical requirements. If you aren't a sufficiently ethical person, you're not qualified to be a lawyer.

How is this any different than requiring they not defraud their clients?

<-- Entry / Current Comment
foobar said @ 7:38pm GMT on 15th October
Just like a college of physicians has the power to pull a doctor's license. There's no threat of unemployment, it's a professional certification that includes ethical requirements. If you aren't a sufficiently ethical person, you're not qualified to be a lawyer.

How is this any different than requiring they not defraud their clients?

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