Friday, 16 March 2018

A day in the life of a 'Porn Star' is not as fun or easy as one would imagine

quote [ Someone asked a question on the website Quora, inquiring about just "What is a day in the life of a porn star like?"

Adult-film actress Siri answered this and a lot of unasked queries on this thread in September 2013, and it provides a whole lot of insight on what exactly does it take to be an 'adult entertainer' and just how 'easy' their life is. ]

Give it up for the hardest working actresses in the entertainment industry and post more pr0n!

[NSFW] [pr0n] [+6 Interesting]
[by JWWargo]
<-- Entry / Comment History

hellboy said @ 11:44pm GMT on 16th March
I think what SE does is a bit different. It's not a link aggregator that's using SEO to pull a forced middle-man on your search results (I hate when I search for something and the top hits are not the thing I'm looking for but parasitical pages that contain nothing more than a list of links and ads, usually the most intrusive and annoying kind), and it's not a meta-news site that thinks "someone wrote a news item somewhere else" is itself newsworthy (and usually consists of little more than "someone else scooped us but we'll take the credit"). SE does link to a lot of other content, but from a filtering standpoint ("curating" is a terrible term but it fits here), and a big part of the appeal is the commentary from other posters. It's the difference between sharing links in hopes of making some money off of it (ie clickbait) vs sharing links because you genuinely think they're interesting and are hoping to spark some discussion. Neither of the examples I gave have any community to speak of, but (I will confess) I sometimes don't even bother to read the linked article in a SE post, as the comments are more interesting.

hellboy said @ 11:48pm GMT on 16th March
I think what SE does is a bit different. It's not a link aggregator that's using SEO to pull a forced middle-man on your search results (I hate when I search for something and the top hits are not the thing I'm looking for but parasitical pages that contain nothing more than a list of links and ads, usually the most intrusive and annoying kind), and it's not a meta-news site that thinks "someone wrote a news item somewhere else" is itself newsworthy (and usually consists of little more than "someone else scooped us but we'll take the credit"). SE does link to a lot of other content, but from a filtering standpoint ("curating" is a terrible term but it fits here), and a big part of the appeal is the commentary from other posters. It's the difference between sharing links in hopes of making some money off of it (ie clickbait) vs sharing links because you genuinely think they're interesting and are hoping to spark some discussion. Neither of the examples I gave have any community to speak of, but (I will confess) I sometimes don't even bother to read the linked article in a SE post, as the comments are more interesting.

Caveat: copypasta blogs can be interesting if there's a specific viewpoint or filter being applied, which in most cases means a single blogger. But I don't check very often and I don't engage (no comments), whereas I check SE pretty much daily.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
hellboy said @ 11:44pm GMT on 16th March
I think what SE does is a bit different. It's not a link aggregator that's using SEO to pull a forced middle-man on your search results (I hate when I search for something and the top hits are not the thing I'm looking for but parasitical pages that contain nothing more than a list of links and ads, usually the most intrusive and annoying kind), and it's not a meta-news site that thinks "someone wrote a news item somewhere else" is itself newsworthy (and usually consists of little more than "someone else scooped us but we'll take the credit"). SE does link to a lot of other content, but from a filtering standpoint ("curating" is a terrible term but it fits here), and a big part of the appeal is the commentary from other posters. It's the difference between sharing links in hopes of making some money off of it (ie clickbait) vs sharing links because you genuinely think they're interesting and are hoping to spark some discussion. Neither of the examples I gave have any community to speak of, but (I will confess) I sometimes don't even bother to read the linked article in a SE post, as the comments are more interesting.

Caveat: copypasta blogs can be interesting if there's a specific viewpoint or filter being applied, which in most cases means a single blogger. But I don't check very often and I don't engage (no comments), whereas I check SE pretty much daily.

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