Monday, 18 June 2018

Fleetwood Mac - Tusk (Dodger Stadium with the USC Trojan Marching Band - 1979)

quote [ Fleetwood Mac's second album after the incorporation of Buckingham and Nicks, 1977's Rumours, produced four U.S. Top 10 singles (including Nicks' song "Dreams"), and remained at No.1 on the American albums chart for 31 weeks, as well as reaching the top spot in various countries around the world. ]

A young guy at my office had never heard Tusk before, and was only vaguely aware of Fleetwood Mac. I LOVED this song when it came out. I was ten. I listen to it again every few years and it still gives me chills. Plus, Stevie Nicks skipping and twirling a baton is to die for. What more could you want? As a public service, I'm posting it as a quickie.
[SFW] [music] [+8 Good]
[by midden]
<-- Entry / Comment History

hellboy said @ 6:53am GMT on 19th June
YouTube: Rumours

hellboy said @ 6:54am GMT on 19th June
YouTube: Rumours

Murray: [To Jemaine] I've told you. When you are in a band, you don't get with your bandmate's girlfriend. Past or present.
Jemaine: Yes, well, thanks for that.
Murray: You get a love triangle, you know, a Fleetwood Mac situation. Although there was four of them, so more of a love square. But you know, no-one gets on.
Jemaine: Ok, I see.
Murray: Mind you, they did make some of their best music back then.
Bret: Rumours.
Murray: No. No, it's all true.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
hellboy said @ 6:53am GMT on 19th June
YouTube: Rumours

Murray: [To Jemaine] I've told you. When you are in a band, you don't get with your bandmate's girlfriend. Past or present.
Jemaine: Yes, well, thanks for that.
Murray: You get a love triangle, you know, a Fleetwood Mac situation. Although there was four of them, so more of a love square. But you know, no-one gets on.
Jemaine: Ok, I see.
Murray: Mind you, they did make some of their best music back then.
Bret: Rumours.
Murray: No. No, it's all true.

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