Sunday, 20 September 2020

The Nightmare Scenario That Keeps Election Lawyers Up At Night -- And Could Hand Trump A Second Term

quote [ A "red mirage" on election night and a post-election "blue shift" could lead to an unprecedented constitutional crisis just as the Supreme Court is in tu... ]

Several possible scenarios that will incentivize violence. Hope Pelosi and the remaining justices have extra security in place.
[SFW] [politics]
[by HoZay]
<-- Entry / Comment History

HoZay said @ 12:02am GMT on 21st September
If they lose the senate, Trump would be impeached and removed immediately. Along with the new judge.

HoZay said @ 12:04am GMT on 21st September

HoZay said @ 12:07am GMT on 21st September
Pelosi Refuses to Rule Out Impeachment to Delay Supreme Court Confirmation

<-- Entry / Current Comment
HoZay said @ 12:02am GMT on 21st September
Pelosi Refuses to Rule Out Impeachment to Delay Supreme Court Confirmation

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