Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Star Wars Ring Theory

quote [ How George Lucas used ring composition to reach a level of storytelling sophistication in his six-part saga that is unprecedented in cinema history. ]

I guess this one is only for Star Wars fans and/or movie buffs. If you outright hate the prequels, you may think this is just jibber jabber. But if you have even one midichlorian in your heart, you might find it interesting.

Maybe it gives Lucas too much credit... maybe he doesn't get enough?
[SFW] [tv & movies] [+1]
[by b]
<-- Entry / Comment History

rylex said @ 7:34pm GMT on 6th October
Lucas didn't even direct the best star wars movies, Empire and Jedi. It always amazes me how people are quick to give him credit.

rylex said @ 7:34pm GMT on 6th October
Edit because double post magic

<-- Entry / Current Comment
rylex said @ 7:34pm GMT on 6th October
Edit because double post magic

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