Sunday, 28 May 2017

17-Year Cicadas Emerge Four Years Early

quote [ Scientists were expecting to see Brood VI bugs in South Carolina and Georgia, which happened, but they got a surprise when Brood X cicadas also started appearing in North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Ohio and Indiana last week—four years earlier than anticipated. ]
[SFW] [science & technology] [+6 Interesting]
[by Bleb]
<-- Entry / Comment History

mechavolt said @ 11:19pm GMT on 28th May
This is normal. 17-year broods sometimes switch to a 13-year cycle, supposedly in an instinctive effort to diversify the brood. That said, they're fucking gross, especially the dead ones all over the sidewalk.

mechavolt said @ 11:21pm GMT on 28th May
This is normal. Portions of 17-year broods sometimes switch to a 13-year cycle, supposedly in an instinctive effort to diversify the brood. That said, they're fucking gross, especially the dead ones all over the sidewalk.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
mechavolt said @ 11:19pm GMT on 28th May [Score:2]
This is normal. Portions of 17-year broods sometimes switch to a 13-year cycle, supposedly in an instinctive effort to diversify the brood. That said, they're fucking gross, especially the dead ones all over the sidewalk.

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