Wednesday, 21 April 2021

The Man Behind Meat Loaf | Hazlitt

quote [ Jim Steinman’s goal was to make “the most extreme car crash song of all time,” and that’s exactly what “Bat Out of Hell” is. ]

Also: Céline Dion. He's dead, Jim.
[SFW] [obituaries] [+2 Informative]
[by Paracetamol@6:50pmGMT]


cb361 said @ 7:18pm GMT on 21st Apr
There are those who believe in science
And those who believe in art
There are those who believe in power and wealth
Or love and matters of the heart
There are those who believe in various gods
In nations and knowledge
In hell and in heaven
The powers of darkness
The assumption of the light
But I believe in just one god
That of endless and insatiable
Immoral, indestructible
And all consuming appetite!
zarathustra said @ 1:44am GMT on 23rd Apr
You could hear a song on the radio you had never heard before and it didn't matter who sang it, you could tell if Steinman wrote it.
Hugh E. said @ 11:16am GMT on 23rd Apr
To be clear, Céline Dion is not dead (as of this posting).

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