Monday, 20 April 2015

A Letter From Jesus

quote [ Your children (and mine) were created for friendship with Christ. They were brought into this world by God the Father because He desired that His Son, Jesus, should have them as His friends. It?s not the other way around. God did not put your children here for themselves or for other people. He put them here, first and foremost, for His Son. ]

Creepy as fuck.

Raising America's next generation of religious nutjobs.
[SFW] [religion & spirituality] [+5 WTF]
[by b@6:13pmGMT]


midden said @ 10:43pm GMT on 20th Apr [Score:2 Insightful]
I grew up Catholic in the 70s. I don't know where this lady gets her theology. We were never taught that the world was created for Jesus. We were taught that the world was created for humans, but we screwed it up pretty badly, so God sent Jesus to try to straighten things out. As far as I know, (it's been decades since I read the Bible), there's nothing in either the Old or New testament about God creating the Earth as a gift to Jesus. I'm pretty sure the Pope would have serious issues with this lady's spin on the story.
HoZay said @ 1:02am GMT on 21st Apr
I also grew up Catholic, and never heard any of this kind of bullshit. Regular Catholic guilt-tripping was bad enough, this is just insane.
buzhidao said @ 10:29am GMT on 21st Apr
ditto here
XregnaR said @ 6:48pm GMT on 20th Apr [Score:1 Interesting]
So we home school, and there are two groups of people we avoid like the plague - religious nuts and those "free range kid" types. Both are very fond of meet-up groups at the local parks.

See, we decided we would find out what activities our kids enjoyed, nurture those, and let them interact with other kids with the same interest. We didn't make the fact we home schooled a central part of our lifestyle or existence. As a result, our kids are fucking awesome. Seriously. We get random compliments from strangers. I take no credit. I'm a putz. That and we use accredited curriculums from the UK. That helps too.

Now the religious nuts, they like to only associate with other religious nuts, and they keep their kids out because of the negative cultural influences associated with mainstream schooling - public or private. For them, I can "kinda" understand, as really why would any parent NOT try to ensure their kids aren't being exposed to "bad" influences or adopting stances that are contradictory to how they are being raised. But they're still nucking futs.

The "free rangers" on the other hand. Holy shit. When those oxygen thieves hit the park, it's like Lord of the Flies meets Oliver Twist meets every Disney shitshow in the past 2 decades. It can be 40 degrees out, and kids will be running around filthy, bare feet, wearing Disney/Star Wars/WTF is that?!? costumes while painfully displaying their complete lack of ability to interact with the rest of society. Parents? Almost universally overweight misfits, who completely ignore there children imperiling their lives by climbing up the outside of a building or some shit. Seriously, there could be bones sticking out and FatMommy would half-assed say something like "It's OK Dakota, just walk it off for a minute. Do you want a gluten-free organic kale pop to make it feel better?"

I'd personally rather my kids dabble in Catholicism than play with those feral yard-apes.
sanepride said @ 7:28pm GMT on 20th Apr
Your description of the 'free rangers' differs from what I thought it was. My impression was that the point of the 'free range kid' movement was simply a welcome rejection of our over-coddling helicopter-parent culture and just allow kids greater autonomy- kind of like how we boomers grew up. Like being sent off to school and play without constant adult monitoring in case boogieman jumps out from behind the bushes and abducts them because TV news says it happens all the time.
HoZay said @ 8:12pm GMT on 20th Apr
That's what I thought too - letting your kid grow up like we did, Don't get killed, and be home by suppertime.
sanepride said @ 9:12pm GMT on 20th Apr
What didn't kill us made us stronger.
mechanical contrivance said @ 10:40pm GMT on 20th Apr
Or just maimed.
XregnaR said @ 12:23pm GMT on 21st Apr
There are those that parent in that fashion who refer to themselves as Free Range parents, but it is "relatively" new. Home school free rangers have been around for well over a decade. So I can see where the terminology would be confusing.

So for the ones I'm ranting about, let's just call them feral-kid-non-parents.
midden said @ 10:34pm GMT on 20th Apr
I think you must encounter the most extreme of free-rangers. Most of us, (Yes, I am one.) believe in self control and discipline, just like any other good parent. But we also believe that children need some independence; free time away from parents and supervision when they can do what they want on their own schedule and spend time with the friends they choose.

I model it mostly after my own childhood. After school, you have all your homework done? Great! Go outside and play with your friends. Don't go too far and be home by dinner. The school bus-stop is a five minute walk away from home? Ok, get walking. If it's raining, bring an umbrella. If it's a really torrential downpour, sure, I'll drive you to the bus-stop and you can wait in the car.

I think what is needed is a good mix of freedom and discipline. Two much of either tends to lead to poorly adjusted kids, but a healthy dose of both leads to well balanced kids who can do what needs to be done when it needs to be done and also have self confidence to make choices, take reasonable risks, and take responsibility for their actions.
lilmookieesquire said @ 6:17pm GMT on 20th Apr
How to Raise a Serial Killer:

"When we make finding friends for our children our primary concern, instead of taking them by the hands and bringing them to Christ to serve as His friends, we are missing the entire point of our vocation as Catholic parents. Our children were created for friendship with Christ. Before anything else, this is their chief purpose in life: to be Christ’s friend. Before they become doctors, scientists, priests, nuns, missionaries, nurses, mothers, or fathers, they are called first and foremost to be the friends of Christ.
Parents who jump through hoops in order to prepare their children for career vocations, while neglecting to prepare their children for their primary vocation in life (which is to be Christ’s friend) have failed, not only in their parental vocation, but in their understanding as to why they were entrusted with children in the first place."
HP Lovekraftwerk said @ 7:25pm GMT on 20th Apr
How much does being Christ's friend pay? It must be pretty good to be more important than those other occupations.
HoZay said @ 6:48pm GMT on 20th Apr
I don't think this woman's kids will be distracted from Jesus by having too many friends and wasting their time on fun. Just not a problem.

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