Friday, 11 December 2015

What Do You Do When a Notorious Celebrity Stalker Starts Stalking You?

quote [ I ALWAYS ask every Scieftologist [sic] I see at every Scientology center how I can reach the secret Spaceship Level where you fight Xenu as Space Heroes with Tom Cruise as commander and they always act brainwashed like they don’t know anything when they all clearly do. Now Lenora I’ll try to rescue you from brainwashing because you really have great tits and I’m sure that if I could unbrainwash you and you could see I’m really the real Clark Kent/Superman you’d totally be into me so I could tittyfuck you and cum all over your face which is the goal here. ]

Though entirely creepy, I found this guy's stalker emails to be hilarious. Marked NSFW because I err on the side of caution and he does talk about her tits a lot.
[NSFW] [people] [+2 WTF]
[by gma@12:49amGMT]


Wadysseus said @ 5:10pm GMT on 11th Dec
"Butt Starchaser" is a name that'll stick with me for a while. Thanks, Cloud to Butt!
mechavolt said @ 12:42am GMT on 12th Dec
Is it just me or does her website look more like a porn star portal than an art curator site?

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