Friday, 5 February 2016

Saudi Arabia willing to send ground forces into Syria

quote [ “The kingdom is ready to participate in any ground operations that the coalition (against Isis) may agree to carry out in Syria,” said military spokesman Brigadier General Ahmed al-Asiri during an interview with al-Arabiya TV news. ]

Who would have thought? Diplomacy DOES work!

I'm a little nervous about whether Saudi Arabia tries to sway the outcome of the Syrian civil war in their favor with their ground troops (much like the Russian are doing it with their airforce), but all in all, it's good news that finally someone's committing to the fight against IS.
[SFW] [politics]
[by Taleweaver@7:16amGMT]


Adam said @ 9:07am GMT on 5th Feb
The Saudis are busy bombing civilians in Yemen. Hospitals, schools, water works, sewage plants. Saudi also has been the largest source of funding for Daesh. I don't trust them in the least.
WeiYang said[1] @ 12:08pm GMT on 5th Feb
The Saudis and Gulfies in general are the biggest supporters of ISIS. My feeling is that they would be sending troops to fight the Syrian Army more than ISIS.

But, the translation of that plan in to real action will likely put Saudi troops on the wrong side of the currently successful R+6 offensive. If they want to interpose their bodies between Russian bombs and the ground, good on them. Not a fan of the Saudi govt., but very sorry for the poor schmucks they will be sending, who will be chewed up and sprayed out in a red slurry.
sanepride said @ 4:42pm GMT on 5th Feb
I'll believe it when I see it. Actually fighting ISIS would put them in the interesting position of being allied with their arch-enemy Iran.
Taleweaver said @ 4:59pm GMT on 5th Feb
Yup, and that's, like, one of the most amazing prospects of that committal.

If it is sincere.
HoZay said @ 7:03pm GMT on 5th Feb
That would make Iran their arch-frenemy.
sanepride said @ 8:45pm GMT on 5th Feb
That's kind of where we are with Iran now.
HP Lovekraftwerk said @ 7:16pm GMT on 5th Feb
The old saw of giving the royal house support in exchange for oil probably isn't going to fly anymore. They're at least as corrupt as Asaad, if not more so. With 15,000 members of the royal house to "support' (though only about 2k are the uber-rich) and the populace starting to think that maybe keeping the jerk-offs in power, we may be in for a Saudi Arabia revolt/revolution soon.

Given all the oil we've been extracting, along with a switch to natural gas/electric power sources, one almost wonders if this is kind of something we either planned for or are currently planning for?
HoZay said @ 10:07pm GMT on 5th Feb
I think we're in a little better position now, where we don't still have to cup their nuts.

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