Thursday, 16 June 2016

200 year old tech produces 100 mph

quote [ The Stirling engine was actually invented 200 years ago, in 1816. The engine is driven by the exchange of hot and cold air, much like nature drives a thunderstorm. The Stirling engine is capable of using roughly 50% of the energy it produces. An internal combustion engine, like the ones in our vehicles, uses about 14%. ]

I have made these engines as table top toys. It never once dawned on me that they could be used in such a way!
[SFW] [science & technology]
[by coffeejoejava@10:29amGMT]


donnie said @ 10:02pm GMT on 16th Jun [Score:1 Underrated]
100mph != 100mpg
coffeejoejava said @ 12:50pm GMT on 18th Jun
Suck ass bitch.
Abdul Alhazred said @ 11:38am GMT on 16th Jun
Man, terribly written article- that could well have been the product of an average ninth grader. That said...

Yes, Stirling cycle engines are extremely efficient, and if I recall correctly the Norwegian navy uses them in submarines. But their power to weight ratio is usually terrible, so they're rarely used in vehicles. I'd be interested to know exactly how he is applying this thing as it's an external combustion engine, like an old steam engine- is he burning the fuel as a jet against a steel plate?
robotroadkill said @ 12:13pm GMT on 16th Jun
I thought you never have to 'stop to charge' a hybrid electric car anyway since the electric motors are powered by a gas-fed generator rather than a battery.
mechanical contrivance said @ 1:10pm GMT on 16th Jun [Score:1 Informative]
I believe most hybrid electric cars run on battery power alone at low speeds, and turn on the gasoline engine when more power is needed or when the batteries run low.
Taleweaver said @ 7:21pm GMT on 16th Jun
Also, they recharge batteries whenever you hit the brakes, recovering some of the energy spent for accelerating, which also adds to theit efficiency.

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