Thursday, 23 March 2017

Jordan Peterson: Chaos (and Order) at McMaster University

quote [ The "panel discussion" at McMaster University Friday March 17th 2017. Overcome The Gap (OTG), the McMaster club who hosted me went forward courageously with the talk, despite experiencing substantial pressure to cancel. They did their best to regulate the event, but the protestors entered the room before the event technically started. ]

I find a lot of truth in Peterson's words here and I think this debate is quite important, and would love for it to continue in the comments. This is not a "LOL stupid protesters" post, rather I feel this video accurately portrays the environments that I and all my peers, which includes the protesters, are attempting to learn in.

An interview I was following while I came acorss this:
A follow up by a McMaster Student:

The full description:

The "panel discussion" at McMaster University Friday March 17th 2017. Three other panel members dropped out because of controversy and harassment. Then the moderator also dropped out. Overcome The Gap (OTG), the McMaster club who hosted me went forward courageously with the talk, despite experiencing substantial pressure to cancel. They did their best to regulate the event, but the protestors entered the room before the event technically started.

The video opens with protestors chanting their various chants. Then, for about 45 minutes I try to speak inside the venue. The fire marshalls have to close the talk because the protestors won't leave, and are blocking the fire exits. So we go outside, where I spoke for about 40 more minutes, with a ring of students surrounding me, and the protestors at the periphery. This section begins with a short video of the protestors, switches to my talk, and ends with a long shot of the outside crowd.
[SFW] [people]
[by Jodan@2:52amGMT]


donnie said @ 10:36am GMT on 23rd Mar [Score:1 Underrated]
What is this discussion even about? Does a university education not teach you how to write an executive summary?
captainstubing said @ 1:20pm GMT on 23rd Mar [Score:1 Underrated]
This video is unwatchable. Life's too short for that sort of quality.

I really enjoyed Peterson's Maps of Meaning lectures and the Personality lectures, which someone here pointed me toward many moons ago. Thanks SE! They are very good and well worth the many, many hours it takes to view them all. I liked them so much I am making a small contribution to a Patreon thing to release higher quality recordings and videos as this is an interesting way to spread quality lecture series to the great unwashed. What's not to like about that?

I think I would like Peterson on a personal level - he seems a pretty decent chap- but there are many points he makes where I just roll my eyes a bit. But that's fine, he has a lot of knowledge to share and he seems intent on finding ways to get it out there. I'm happy to chip in for that.

I think where he rails against what he sees as the PoMo/ 'Cultural Marxist' overrunning Uni's is largely twaddle. I don't see evidence that they have, or that their presence is what is turning Uni's into the tepid little shit holes they seem to be becoming. I feel it is much more the case that a managerialist approach to running these places has had much more effect. The risk averse gobshites sitting in the Chancelleries are not products of PoMo or Marx. Far from it. But they are the source of the timidity of much of the research that gets approved, the incessant 'managing of the message' and other brand-related crap they engage in. They also provide the conditions where protesters can shut down a simple discussion by making silly claims that it is full of hate speech when it obviously isn't. They should have been put back on their spot by the Uni.

Is Peterson all sorts of right on each topic he speaks on? No, and I think the further he moves away from his core areas the less sense he makes (and the more utter cunts show up in comment threads of his videos). Is he pedaling hate speech? Don't be fucking ridiculous. Were the protesters right to shut this down? No, they are massive cock jugglers, but they might grow up at some point.

midden said @ 3:39pm GMT on 23rd Mar [Score:1 Underrated]
I just heard him and Sam Harris have a second try at a conversation a few weeks ago. I thought it was very productive:
backSLIDER said @ 3:46am GMT on 23rd Mar
So are you asking for us to discuss pronouns or protesters shutting down discussions?
Jodan said @ 3:57am GMT on 23rd Mar
Really I am more interested in why it is happening rather than what is happening. I agree with Peterson personally but I would like to hear a critical appeal.

The other answer is say whatever you want.
foobar said @ 8:53am GMT on 23rd Mar
No platforming is free speech. You can't bitch about the former if you pretend to support the latter.
Menchi said @ 6:34am GMT on 23rd Mar
Watching a snippet of this guy's youtube offerings, his argument seemed to boil down to KIDS THESE DAYS.

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