Wednesday, 26 July 2017
quote [ A tale of love and loss on the Panhandle plains. ]
A detailed personal account of some of the largest plains fires in modern times.
Monday, 11 May 2015
quote [ The hitchhiker has been transformed in the public imagination from an unencumbered youth finding adventure across our vast nation to a crazed and dangerous maniac with a homicidal sneer. To pick one up is to meet a death of grotesque proportions?to hitch as a woman, an invitation to be brutally violated. ]
What kind of adventures have you had while thumbing a ride?
Saturday, 9 May 2015
quote [ The privacy implications are vast with data sets as encompassing as these... It?s easy to imagine a scenario in which two competing personnel were up for the same leadership position, but one was penalized for being flagged as a suicide risk. ]