Sunday, 17 June 2018

In answer to knumbknutz has the crazo-nutbag-kookooferkokopuffs meter been turned up past 11 to 13.9 today?

quote [ In 51 minutes on the White House North lawn, President Trump served up a series of falsehoods, shortly before his former campaign chairman was sent to jail. ]

This is all coming down to a real test for the Justice Department of the US government. It is now time for the court to step in the ring with Trump.

There is a reason that Trump has been screaming that the whole thing is rigged The reason is simple when you don't give a damn about the institution , in this case the electoral system, win or lose you can claim victory.

But more importantly it influences the way justice is served on you.

DoJ IG report lesson: GOP bullying of law enforcement works

Trumps cries of unfair treatment did change the way he was treated.

Which brings in the next test for DOJ. Will Robert Mueller subpoena Donald Trump? it seems pretty clear he has been done before. And in My opinion it has to be done here. If he doesn't it will prove that he is above the law and that Mueller has no power.

In short if he doesn't subpoena Trump the investigation is over...Trump wins.

[SFW] [politics] [+1 Informative]
[by bbqkink]
<-- Entry / Comment History

bbqkink said @ 10:55pm GMT on 17th June
that the appointment of Robert Mueller was unconstitutional.

Stupid on its face.

bbqkink said @ 10:59pm GMT on 17th June
that the appointment of Robert Mueller was unconstitutional.

Stupid on its face.

In the United States, a special prosecutor (or special counsel or independent counsel or independent prosecutor) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

bbqkink said @ 11:05pm GMT on 17th June
that the appointment of Robert Mueller was unconstitutional.

Stupid on its face.

In the United States, a special prosecutor (or special counsel or independent counsel or independent prosecutor) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

Roughly twenty special prosecutors (called independent counsels after 1983) were appointed under the Ethics in Government Act and its reauthorizations[14] during the Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, and Bill Clinton administrations. These include significant investigations into the Iran–Contra affair and the Whitewater controversy, the latter of which ultimately led to the impeachment of Bill Clinton over the Lewinsky scandal. Numerous smaller investigations into cabinet secretaries for relatively minor offenses, such as drug use, were also carried out by special prosecutors during this period.

During the period 1992–1994 when the independent counsel provisions were not in force, Attorney General Janet Reno appointed Robert Fiske special counsel to investigate Whitewater. When the law was reauthorized in 1994, Reno invoked it to order an independent counsel be appointed to investigate Whitewater, and suggested Fiske continue in that role. Instead, Ken Starr was given the job by the three-judge panel. Starr resigned and was replaced by Robert Ray in 1999 just before the expiration of the independent counsel statute.[15] Ray formally concluded the Whitewater investigation in 2003.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
bbqkink said @ 10:55pm GMT on 17th June [Score:1 Good]
that the appointment of Robert Mueller was unconstitutional.

Stupid on its face.

In the United States, a special prosecutor (or special counsel or independent counsel or independent prosecutor) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

Roughly twenty special prosecutors (called independent counsels after 1983) were appointed under the Ethics in Government Act and its reauthorizations[14] during the Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, and Bill Clinton administrations. These include significant investigations into the Iran–Contra affair and the Whitewater controversy, the latter of which ultimately led to the impeachment of Bill Clinton over the Lewinsky scandal. Numerous smaller investigations into cabinet secretaries for relatively minor offenses, such as drug use, were also carried out by special prosecutors during this period.

During the period 1992–1994 when the independent counsel provisions were not in force, Attorney General Janet Reno appointed Robert Fiske special counsel to investigate Whitewater. When the law was reauthorized in 1994, Reno invoked it to order an independent counsel be appointed to investigate Whitewater, and suggested Fiske continue in that role. Instead, Ken Starr was given the job by the three-judge panel. Starr resigned and was replaced by Robert Ray in 1999 just before the expiration of the independent counsel statute.[15] Ray formally concluded the Whitewater investigation in 2003.

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