Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Former Baseballer Curt Schilling Doxxes Cyberbullies Sending 17-year-old Daughter Rape Threats/Jokes, Ruins Lives, Internet Rejoices

quote [ I thank God every day that Facebook and Twitter, instagram, vine, Youtube, all of it, did not exist when I went to High School. I can't imagine the dumb stuff I'd have been caught saying and doing.... ]

One kid is suspended from his college, another is fired from his part-time job with the Yankees. I'm kinda conflicted about this whole thing. Thoughts in the extended.

While the justice porn part of my brain is cheering, the part of my brain that sees this for the fact that I'm conflicted about doxxing. Anonymity is a privilege and not a right, of course, but when one does shitty, shitty things, that anonymity needs to go away, and that person must be responsible and face the consequences and repercussions from their shittiness.
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[by AssBastard]
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lilmookieesquire said @ 1:58am GMT on 4th March
That said I have no issues with this kid being doxxed. I'm just saying you can't toss out anonymity as a whole. (Which lets be honest you're not arguing) the position that it's NOT a right but it's still a necessity in our society is a legitimate one.

But I recon that it's important as it relates to free speech and is kind of like the modern day equivalent of the right to bare arms to prevent government tyranny.

lilmookieesquire said @ 9:09pm GMT on 3rd March
That said I have no issues with this kid being doxxed. I'm just saying you can't toss out anonymity as a whole. (Which lets be honest you're not arguing) the position that it's NOT a right but it's still a necessity in our society is a legitimate one.

But I reckon that it's important as it relates to free speech and is kind of like the modern day equivalent of the right to bare arms to prevent government tyranny.

<-- Entry / Current Comment
lilmookieesquire said @ 1:58am GMT on 4th March
That said I have no issues with this kid being doxxed. I'm just saying you can't toss out anonymity as a whole. (Which lets be honest you're not arguing) the position that it's NOT a right but it's still a necessity in our society is a legitimate one.

But I reckon that it's important as it relates to free speech and is kind of like the modern day equivalent of the right to bare arms to prevent government tyranny.

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