Monday, 4 March 2024

Why Are There So Many Abandoned Churches?

quote [ Changing neighborhoods, loss of faith, even heating bills make places of worship among the most common types of forgotten places. ]

An abandoned church, the ritual is held within
[SFW] [religion & spirituality] [+1 Sad]
[by ScoobySnacks@7:16amGMT]


Hugh E. said @ 4:42pm GMT on 4th Mar
I just don't understand the mindset that says, Here's something abandon, therefore I shall damage it.

What is there to gain from such a thing?
snowfox said @ 8:59am GMT on 6th Mar [Score:1 Insightful]
I always figure it's kids. They don't know the monetary or social value of the structure and don't understand the harm they do to society.
Hugh E. said @ 2:34pm GMT on 6th Mar
Which means it's parents.
mechanical contrivance said @ 6:38pm GMT on 4th Mar
I think it's the idea of getting away with something we normally get in trouble for.
WeiYang said @ 4:53am GMT on 5th Mar
This building aint going to become ruins by itself...i mean, it kind of will, but not as fast

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