Friday, 22 May 2015

Florida Mom Jailed Over Circumcision Dispute

quote [ After months and years of fighting to stop her son from being circumcised, a West Boynton mother on Friday signed her consent for the procedure moments after a judge had again ordered her to remain in jail until she did. ]

Like, er, wow.
[SFW] [politics]
[by cdwilli1@8:09pmGMT]


ooo[......7 said @ 8:28pm GMT on 22nd May
+0 meh

the headlines really blow this out of proportion and sensationalize it beyond what it really is, a domestic dispute.
oakfloorboard said @ 8:52pm GMT on 22nd May
i still do not understand why male genital mutilation is still legal.
ENZ said @ 9:11pm GMT on 22nd May [Score:1 Insightful]
Because "religious freedom". There are a depressing number of people who cry that when it comes to their perceived right to fuck over complete strangers. But try to tell them they're not allowed to bring up their kids a certain way? Boy howdy. And it's not just from right-wing Christians. You'd be seriously stepping on the toes of Jewish tradition. That's not a lobby any politician wants to get in a tangle with.
mechanical contrivance said @ 8:59pm GMT on 22nd May
That baby looks like an old man. It's the eyes.
cdwilli1 said @ 9:18pm GMT on 22nd May
The issue I have with this is simply that the boy will be circumcised without any further thought. Yes, there was a contract and yes it was breached, but it is genital mutilation being court enforced. Maybe the kid should be allowed to decide when he reaches the age of majority?

At what point could such a contract be considered invalid? Removal of the left little toe, appendectomy for no medical reason, etc.
cb361 said @ 11:38pm GMT on 22nd May
If you let boys make their own decision about circumcision upon reaching age of majority, circumcision would be virtually unheard of, except for religious reasons. The mere thought of it makes my eyes water.
5th Earth said @ 1:59am GMT on 23rd May
Or medical reasons. It's not common, but there are conditions where it's a valid treatment.

And no, I don't mean the preventative bullshit like people usually trot out to justify doing it because they want to.
cb361 said[1] @ 10:24am GMT on 23rd May
I had phimosis as a child, and my foreskin wouldn't retract. My mother told me that if I wanted to "have babies" I would have to have an operation on my penis, but that I could decide that for myself when I was older. It all went over my head a bit at six years old, but now I realise she was talking about circumcision. Then when I hit puberty, I found that constantly pulling my foreskin back further and further over a long period of time loosened it. It was painful at the time, but it's fine now, and that period feels like a very short part in my masturbatory career.

TLDR: Yes, but maybe medical reasons for circumcision are rather as well.
5th Earth said @ 11:00pm GMT on 23rd May
Overstated? Probably. It's a last resort procedure to be sure, I just wanted to point out it's conceivably necessary sometimes.
sanepride said @ 10:21pm GMT on 22nd May
I'd like to think most prospective parents would work this out ahead of time, just to avoid this kind of messy legal dispute, but of course these are Florida people we're talking about. Anyway I have no strong opinion on the subject in general, but the poor kid getting cut at age 4 definitely isn't right.
ubie said @ 11:51pm GMT on 22nd May
My understanding is they had reached a consensus to have him circumcised originally, the mother changed her mind, then changed her mind back to have him circumcised and signed legal documents to that effect, and then changed her mind *again*.
b said @ 12:05am GMT on 23rd May
l'll never understand why it's so important for some people to have the tip of their child's penis mutilated. Fuck that stupid, senseless nonsense.
steele said @ 2:55am GMT on 23rd May
ComposerNate said @ 12:31pm GMT on 23rd May
°susi had our son a few weeks ago in Berlin, and no one even mentioned circumcision as an option or otherwise: nurses, doctors, midwives, friends, family, etc.
arteitle said @ 4:23am GMT on 25th May
This article was a mess, it almost seemed like the paragraphs had been rearranged into random order. I couldn't understand what the sequence of events was, and it didn't explain the most confusing point, which was how a judge could order the mother to sign a consent form or face more jail time.
rapscallion said @ 9:39pm GMT on 29th May
fuck humans
mechanical contrivance said @ 2:41am GMT on 30th May
Anything else is illegal.

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