Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The SE Cooking Thread

Got some good recipes from the SE thread back in the day, thought to maybe try a new one. Main link goes to a site with some Native American recipes and a few links from the before times in the extended.

AssBastard has a site called the Recipe Vault Project, with a lot of great recipes.

Apologies to Bbqkink for stealing the Pass the Garum site address, but this stuff has some good Roman recipes:

Also a small AskSE: In one of the cooking threads someone posted a recipe for Thai wings with red chili paste and minced ginger that was awesome. Does anyone remember it?
[SFW] [+10 Good]
[by TheThirstyMonk@9:24pmGMT]


AssBastard said @ 8:55pm GMT on 11th Mar [Score:2 Informative]
Actually, the recipe vault project is mine, and it's better at its other location, which is at dreamwidth.
TheThirstyMonk said @ 9:20pm GMT on 11th Mar
Ah, did not know that, will update the entry to dreamwidth and give due credit.

I have both sites bookmarked, used the livejournal one because it seems to have more tags listed for searching.
TheThirstyMonk said @ 9:29pm GMT on 11th Mar
Also +1 informative, since I apparently need to relearn the mod then reply rule.
rndmnmbr said @ 4:55am GMT on 12th Mar [Score:1 Interesting]
Alright, as I have just recently perfected my version of this:

Phat Ki Mao

2 tbsp. fish sauce
2 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. brown sugar
2 cups cooked rice noodles, well drained
1 cup of whatever meat you're using (pork, chicken, beef, shrimp, whatever) sliced thin
1 head broccoli/bunch broccolini, florets separated
1/2 green bell pepper, sliced
2 jalapenos, sliced,
1/2 white onion, halved and sliced
5-10 cloves of garlic, minced
1 egg
Any other vegetables you feel like including
6 tbsp. oil

Mix the fish sauce, soy sauce, and brown sugar in a small bowl and stir until well-combined. Bring a well-seasoned wok or cast-iron skillet to a blindingly hot temperature. Add 1 tbsp. oil, then immediately add your meat. Toss once or twice, then add another 2 tbsp. oil and add your vegetables. Keep tossing and frying until your meat and veggies are browned and done, then move to the side of the skillet or wok. In the center, add another tbsp. of oil, your garlic, and your egg. Quickly scramble your egg, then toss the wok to combine. Add the remaining oil, then the cooked noodles, and stir-fry until the noodles are hot. Remove from heat, add your sauce and continue tossing the wok until everything is well-combined. Serves two.
rndmnmbr said @ 4:40pm GMT on 12th Mar
Ah, crap, I knew I missed something.

1/2 cup fresh holy basil, loosely packed (sub regular basil if you can't find holy basil)
Skuld said @ 7:31pm GMT on 11th Mar
Last night, whole roasted duck. No spices, only salt. Manually separated the skin from the meat/bones, and then slowly roasted it for a few hours (@ ≈125°C). All the fat rendered away, and the skin was deliciously crispy, the meat soft and tender.

Also, lightly salted potatoes roasted in duck fat are my favourite kind of potato.
Skuld said @ 7:35pm GMT on 11th Mar
Duck fat is also brilliant when frying dumplings. Leftover duck meat, boiled to bits, boiled down and then fried also makes for a mean dumpling filling. Mix with minced chinese cabbage, onions, raw egg and a dumpling spice mixture.
ithaqua10 said @ 12:48am GMT on 12th Mar
those both sound delicious. I had some duck from a Chinese restaurant recently and was disappointed at it being overcooked and dry, also cut in such a way that every piece had tiny rib bones (the latter not so unexpected but have seen it done better). Now I need to find a source for duck in my BFE location.
mechanical contrivance said @ 12:58am GMT on 12th Mar
Catch one at the park.
HoZay said @ 8:24pm GMT on 12th Mar [Score:1 Informative]
A friend of mine did this, went to jail.
Naruki said @ 2:47am GMT on 13th Mar
Good. That idiot ruined the last SE. Now he can troll in prison.
Abdul Alhazred said @ 7:57pm GMT on 11th Mar
Simple but good and impresses people every time:

Take a chicken breast, rinse it in water and dry it with a paper towel, then smear on a coating of half sour cream and half Dijon mustard. Put it in a baking dish with breadcrumbs on the bottom. Do the same for another two or three of them, then sprinkle bread crumbs over the breasts, pat them down a little, and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes.

While that's cooking, cut up broccoli and put it in a glass bowl with about an inch of water, cover it tight and put it in the microwave for six minutes (seven if you don't like it to still have some crunch). Drain it, add butter and squeeze a lemon over the top.

Make up some rice pilaf (or something similar) to go with it. A dry white wine goes well with all of this.

You can do all of this, start to finish, in less than an hour. I did it last night when I got to my parents' house.
jbhalper said @ 12:06am GMT on 12th Mar
Hell yeah. Depending on your taste you can mix out that mustard for lots of other stuff. I've done very similar things with the sour cream, garlic, and lemon (but no mustard) that really are pretty awesome.
one_inch said @ 10:21am GMT on 12th Mar
Nooo! One should never microwave broccoli for more (or less) than 55 seconds. That brown mush people call broccoli is a crime against humanity!
mechanical contrivance said @ 1:26pm GMT on 12th Mar
I microwave broccoli all the time and it's never turned brown.
Abdul Alhazred said @ 11:14pm GMT on 12th Mar
Mine has never gotten brown or mushy- it's still somewhat crunchy and bright green. At six minutes I may be slightly undercooking it, but that's the way I prefer it.
bltrocker said @ 7:58pm GMT on 11th Mar
I'm not a great cook or a baker, so I do super simple stuff. Mostly I use Alton Brown and Ina Garten for guidance. I love to share a big-ass bowl of sour cream mashed potatoes.

Abdul Alhazred said @ 8:09pm GMT on 11th Mar
Another simple one:

Take a pork loin and rinse it, then rub it down with salt and sage. Coat it with a mixture of flour, pepper, sage and thyme, making sure to cover the whole thing. Put it on a roasting pan in a 350 oven for 45 minutes.

Get some good apples and slice them but don't peel them. Put them in a deep skillet with butter, brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Simmer them on low heat for about an hour, or until they get soft.

A nice rose goes well with this one.
slaytanik said @ 8:11pm GMT on 11th Mar
My favourite recipes of late -

Braised Chicken with Hatch Green Chile and White Beans: http://imgur.com/a/FgEKP

Murgh Makhani (butter chicken): http://ekantcookcurry.com/murgh-makhani/

Eve cake: http://www.savourschool.com.au/blog/tag/masterchef-eve-cake/ (here's my version : http://i.imgur.com/gt55ZtW.jpg)

I've also been slowly making my way through this cookbook http://www.amazon.com/India-The-Cookbook-Pushpesh-Pant/dp/0714859028 , and if anyone is interested I can post a couple of my favourite recipes so far
HoZay said @ 10:11pm GMT on 11th Mar
Never heard of Hatch chilis, but now I really want some.
slaytanik said @ 3:43am GMT on 12th Mar
I actually just used Jalapenos, the smokiness is what really lifts the flavour of that dish
Abdul Alhazred said @ 8:14pm GMT on 11th Mar
wenchgirl's Hot wings - work in progress

Take wings, salt with garlic salt. Put leftover bacon fat in a pan. Brown the wings in a frying pan, but don't cook all the way through yet. Add a good tablespoon of chopped garlic and a few dashes of Frank's hot sauce directly to the wings. Add 1/2 of a dark beer. Like a dark stout is good. Cover the wings so they boil in the dark beer to finish cooking through. Drink the rest of the beer while this is happening. Uncover and add a few more dashes of Frank's. Add one drop of liquid smoke. Cook beer/juice down into a sauce. Serve immediately, but try not to burn your fingers or mouth.

This is a work in progress. I'd really appreciate it if you try this, if you want to message me your opinion. I've been working on and slowly altering things for over a year now.
Abdul Alhazred said @ 8:15pm GMT on 11th Mar
BTW, I kept all of the recipes from the last cooking thread. If someone can point me to a site that will host an Excel file I'll put it out there for everyone.
Skuld said @ 9:35pm GMT on 11th Mar
I still had that on my watchlist at the time of The Event.

In case something got added after your copying. The Googles still has a cache, it loads very slowly, but then again, my internet connection does have a tendency to operate on a geological timescale.
Skuld said @ 9:39pm GMT on 11th Mar
TheThirstyMonk said @ 9:53pm GMT on 11th Mar
ithaqua10 said @ 12:40am GMT on 12th Mar
dropbox, Whateverthefuck M$ is calling there cloud storage, googledocs, someone could actually set up a Sensibleendowment (or just SE)@google.com and share document. It does a pretty good job of converting word/excel to their counterparts in googlese and vice versa.
eggboy said @ 5:20am GMT on 12th Mar
I have an older spreadsheet of various SE recipes too that someone sent me. I'll try this zoho thing TTM recommends.

ithaqua10 said @ 8:05pm GMT on 12th Mar
i just recalled because something was posted in another group. You can share files through facebook as well.
moriati said @ 8:15pm GMT on 11th Mar
A recent recipe emailed to me by moriati snr.

Roger's Offaly Good Pie
Ingredients:- approx.
8oz lambs liver thin sliced, small pieces.
3 Lambs Kidneys trimmed and diced.
6 oz streaky bacon in 2inch strips
1 glass red wine
2 onions thinly sliced

Fry the onions slowly till caramelising, put aside
Fry bacon till coloured and put with onions.
Fry liver till sealed add to other ingredients.
Fry kidney till sealed and add to above.
Place all ingredients in oven proof casserole.
Add some flour to frying pan to make a roux and add wine, simmer till thickens and add some Tomato puree to taste.
Pour over casserole, add some water, salt and pepper and a little ground chilli flakes.
Cover with lid andPlace in oven, simmer for 45 mins.
Remove from oven , check seasoning and then place a suet topping over casserole, cover with lid and return to oven untill crust is cooked and brown on top.
[Suet crust 6oz S.R. Flour, 3 oz Suet, salt, pepper and dried Oregano , mix with cold water.]

Also - here's a cracking food blog I found recently, I particularly recommend her roasted parsnip and kale salad.

Kitchen Vignettes
eggboy said @ 5:43am GMT on 12th Mar
Reckon I'll try these as pot pies. Been making a lot of pies recently, started with something similar to these and have just been going nuts. Most recently Mexicany beans and chilli pies served with guac or sour cream.

I especially love using all the offcut bits of puff pastry to make one last patchwork lid, so when you cut your face in it to let out the steam it looks like the necronomicon.
b said @ 11:15pm GMT on 11th Mar
Recently did a very simple fried chicken that turns out very well:

Start with some chicken thighs, bone in, skin on. The skin is important. Rinse those bitches, then dry em off. You want em dry and tacky. Get some pepper on there, then dust somewhere between liberally and lightly with seasoned salt, old bay or some such. I use Lawry's.

I'm sure you can use any good oil for frying, but I chose corn oil. You want it at 350. Just before you put your seasoned chicken in, dredge it through some flour of your choice. I used a six grain mixture. Tap off the excess, as you don't want too much.

Chicken goes in the oil, skin side down for about 5 mins. Do your best to keep your oil around 350. I recommend a thermometer or, of course, deep fryer if you've got it. You can submerge the chicken completely if you've got a big enough pot, otherwise, as long as it's mostly submerged, you're good. Then flip it over and cook it 15 more minutes. One last flip, another 5 mins and then remove it to a rack for a few minutes. Fill your face.

It turns out just fantastic. Not too greasy, the skin crisps up nicely and the meat is juicy and delish. It's important that you use thighs for this method. The breast meat will end up too dry. You could probably adapt for drumsticks or wings by cooking less, but the thigh is really the most underrated chicken part.
ithaqua10 said @ 12:50am GMT on 12th Mar
I plan on doing this with my leftover corned beef after St Paddy's day.

Reuben Pizza Rolls
nitromaniac said @ 12:54am GMT on 12th Mar
I have the best lahmajoun recipe, but I have to actually count out the amounts. My Nene taught me how to make them, "Take some onion, a bit of parsley, a few garlics...", one of those deals...

It's my "If you were stuck on a deserted island with only one thing to eat" foods.
HoZay said @ 1:04am GMT on 12th Mar
Here's a food post from bbqkink from last december.

No apologies to bbqkink - he should be here.
mechanical contrivance said @ 1:41am GMT on 12th Mar
I keep my cooking as easy as I can.

Udon and broccoli:

Put some oil, garlic and chopped broccoli in a pan, cover and simmer until the broccoli is cooked. Add cooked udon noodles and soy sauce. Add some water, too, so it doesn't dry out. Stir fry for a few minutes. Enjoy.

Sausage and mushroom soup:

Fry some breakfast sausages in a pot. Cut them into small pieces. Add a can of cream of mushroom soup, a small can of sliced mushrooms, a diced potato and sliced chives. Cook at just below boiling until the potato is cooked. Enjoy.

Easy chicken parmesan:

Put some breaded chicken tenders in a baking pan. Bake until crispy. Cover with spaghetti sauce and mozzarella, then bake again until the cheese is melted and bubbling. Serve with spaghetti.

Baked corned beef:

Boil a pink corned beef for a few hours, changing the water several times. Slice about a 1/4 inch thick and put in a baking pan. The slices should overlap. Cover with orange marmalade or peach preserves. Cover the pan with foil. Let sit for a half hour or so. Bake at low to medium heat until hot throughout. Serve with potatoes and a vegetable.

Chicken pot pie:

Make mashed potatoes according to your favorite recipe. Dice some chicken and fry in a little oil. Do not brown. In a large bowl, combine peas, sliced carrots and a can of cream of chicken soup. Stir in cooked chicken pieces. Put into a pie shell. Cover with mashed potatoes. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Enjoy.

Chicken and stuffing casserole:

Make some stuffing. Instant is fine. Pound some chicken breasts flat or butterfly them. Line the bottom of a baking dish with stuffing. Put the chicken on top. Cover with any kind of gravy you want. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Enjoy.

Try adding spinach to macaroni and cheese. Ramen is great with broccoli and a beaten egg.
mechanical contrivance said @ 1:49am GMT on 12th Mar
mechanical contrivance said @ 1:50am GMT on 12th Mar
electric guppy said @ 4:00am GMT on 12th Mar
One of the things cookbooks don't usually tell you is how going off-script will change the result (or, to put another way, WHY the recipe specifies certain things). Since we are assembled here, I can ask!

Several recipes above specify that chicken should be rinsed. Could some kind soul explain the reason(s)? How does it affect the outcome?
AssBastard said @ 4:29am GMT on 12th Mar [Score:1 Informative]
"It's irrelevant. If you're paranoid about disease, maybe a slightly smaller chance of getting salmonella, but all it's really going to do is give you soggy chicken."

-My best friend, who is a professional chef.
one_inch said @ 10:30am GMT on 12th Mar
Thanks, was going to ask the same question, never heard of rinsing chicken before this thread! Not something we do in Oz I believe.
b said @ 4:11pm GMT on 12th Mar
Which is probably entirely true. Except any recipe that tells you to rinse the chicken should be telling you to pat it dry with a paper/cloth towel too.

Also, as Abulwhatever- GraniteWitch- says, chicken often has a slimy coating that is nice to get rid of in order to allow seasonings to adhere. By no means is it necessary to always rinse chicken, but it can't hurt.
Abdul Alhazred said @ 12:12pm GMT on 12th Mar
I rinse it and dry it because otherwise there's a sort of slippery fatty film on it that keeps the sour cream/mustard from adhering.
rndmnmbr said @ 4:42pm GMT on 12th Mar
A superior solution is to lightly coat the chicken in flour first. Helps all kinds of coatings stick better.
electric guppy said @ 4:12am GMT on 12th Mar
ObRecipe: gooless okra

1 onion, 1 pound of okra.

Slice okra (1/2 inch). Coarsely chop onion. Saute okra (in OO of course) about 10 min to brown. Add chopped onion, cayenne, turmeric, curry powder, S+P. (1/4 t for each of the spices, less cayenne if you're a lightweight). Saute a few minutes longer until onions are tender.
Hactar said @ 4:57am GMT on 12th Mar
Spicy Sesame Noodles:
5 Tbsp Tahini
3 Tbsp Rice Vinegar
3 Tbsp Soy Sauce
4 Tbsp Fish Sauce
3 Tbsp Spicy Sesame Oil (regular sesame oil can be used)
1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce (optional, but really good)
Either 2 Serano Chiles (fresh) or 2.5 tsp cayenne (this can be varied to taste, but it is my standard)
1/4 Cup water

Put all that in a blender. If using chile peppers, remove the stems and wash. Leave in the seeds and white stuff. Blend until very smooth. Pour over approximately 1lb of spaghetti or some kind of Asian pasta. Mix in 1/4 cup chopped peanuts and 3 chopped scallions. Mix in a protein of some variety. (I tend to use Seitan, but 1lb of chicken, cut into small bits and sauted also works. I have never tried beef or pork or anything else. Tofu does not work that well, even when fried.)


For Inferno Noodles, substitute 2 habenero peppers for the seranos. Buy extra toilet paper.
Hactar said @ 5:00am GMT on 12th Mar
Tomato Sesame Curry:
1.5 tbsp spicy sesame oil
2 medium onions, chopped
2 lb chicken thighs
5 cloves garlic
11 Tbsp tahini or non-sweetened peanut butter
2.5 tsp garam marsala
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cayenne
2 serano chiles, chopped finely
1/2 tsp black pepper
~4 cups chopped tomatoes - 8 plum or similarly sized tomatoes
3.5 oz tomato paste
1 cup chicken broth
4 tsp chopped ginger

Throw everything into a pot, cook for 45 minutes over medium-low heat.
Hactar said @ 5:14am GMT on 12th Mar
Thai Curry Crepes
These are really fragile, moreso than regular crepes, but are excellent

This is a reconstruction of the original recipe, as I lost the notebook with that I wrote this by hand in. The proportions should be correct, but feel free to adjust if they don't feel right.

Chicken, Green Beans, Red Pepper, whatever else you would normally thrown into a Thai curry, cooked for the chicken, raw for the veggies

1.5 Cups Coconut Milk, mix in 1.5 Tbsp Curry Paste (I have tried Panang and Red) (alter to taste), blend in blender/cook on a stove until the curry paste is completely mixed in. If you cook it, let it cool until it reaches room temperature.
2 eggs
1 Cup Flour
3 Tbsp Vegetable/Sesame/Rapeseed oil (Don't use Olive Oil and I think Peanut oil adds an odd flavor)

Whisk together until smooth. (I suppose you could use the blender some more, but I've never tried that. If you do, give it a few minutes for the bubbles to leave the batter.)

Oil a flat pan, heat until water dances on it.
Pour a serving spoon full of the batter in, swirling the pan to keep the pancake thin enough to be called a crepe. Cook for ~30 seconds, gently flip, cook for ~20 seconds, remove from pan. Wrap around filling, eat. Do not put too much in, they tear easily. Repeat for the rest of the batter and fillings.

Note: If you have a tortilla pan, you are in luck. They are perfect for making crepes. If not, use the pan with the lowest walls you have.
eggboy said @ 6:48am GMT on 12th Mar
Chicken Fettucini:

Cook spinach fettucini (the green flat stuff) al dente'.
Chop fine onion and slice fine celery. Fry in olive oil and oregano (added just before onions).
Add diced chicken and cook until outside colour changed.
Add tin asparagus with juice and cook 5 mins.
Stir in 300mls (more depending on amount of dish) of sour cream and reduce for a couple of minutes.
Add in your spinach fettucini that you didn't over-cook and mix into a baking dish (probably glass).
Sprinkle with cheese (your choice) and bake until brown on top.

Variation- Make cheese sauce using mozzarella and pour over dish and bake.
Variation- Lightly grease baking dish and sprinkle burghul to line dish, then add fettucini mixture and cheese.
Variation- Add to fry extras of your choice (hint: mushrooms)

Ah yeah, salt and pepper at some stage to taste.
eggboy said @ 6:49am GMT on 12th Mar
Piss easy nasi goreng

Cook rice (2 cups)

Chop onion, garlic, cabbage (maybe 1/8th to a quarter) and fry.
Add nutmeg, fine capsicum (green).
That's the basics, then add whatever else floats your boat. Wee can of prawns, bacon (the difference between Australian and Indonesian nasi goreng), frozen peas, virtually anything else you have lying around.

Fry some mince (400-500g) separately and add it in to the cabbage stuff with your rice, stir. Realize you should have started with a bigger wok/frypan. You don't need to worry about refrigerating your rice or anything, just chuck it straight in warm but this is a great way to get rid of yesterday's leftover rice.

Serve with soy sauce (not the thick sweet shit) and some sambal olek or some kind of chilli paste. You don't need salt with the soy sauce in it.
eggboy said @ 6:49am GMT on 12th Mar
Special Christmas smoked turkey and gnocchi salad

130g dried gnocchi shapes, not the dumplings (or fuck it, just use large shells of normal pasta)
2 tbs olive oil
250g smoked turkey flaked into pieces 35mm long (cut into chunks)
50g button mushrooms, sliced
1 tbs chopped fresh chives
Ground black pepper
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
2 small or 1 large avocado, quartered and sliced
100g natural smoked cheese cut into 10mm cubes

Cook pasta in boiling salted water until al dente'. Drain, rinse in cold water and drain again. Put aside.

Heat olive oil in large frypan and saute' turkey pieces, shrooms and chives until turkey is lightly browned. Season well with your ground black pepper. Add vinegar and olive oil and cook, stirring until the juices have reduced and thickened. More pepper. Add your pasta, toss and cook for like 15 seconds.

Take off heat and toss in avo and cheese. Stir well to distribute the heat and rest for a couple of minutes. Fucking beautiful warm, cold or room temp.
eggboy said @ 6:51am GMT on 12th Mar
Copy/pasting an old email from Mum:

Aaah, meatloaf. That I can do. It's easy, but it takes a kilo of mince. Of course you can spread the load a bit thinner, just add more oats, or even some small cooked potato/ sweet potato/ pumpkin! chunks and use just 500g mince: I never use the cheapest mince, it tastes, and is, too fatty for my liking, nor do I use the dearest, as it is dear.

The ingredients that really make this meatloaf flavoursome are the combination of fennel seeds, pine nuts, parsley and oregano. Experiment with which ingredients you will skip to keep the cost down, or just hide the meatloaf from other people.

So to your amount of mince, let's say you go for the kilo (and savour each yummy slice twicely), add...
1 cup of quick oats (the smaller cut oats, cheap as)
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1/2 cup pine nuts
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper.

Add just a dash of Worcestershire sauce or tamari / soy sauce (very vague, I know) and mix the lot till it looks well combined. A fork is best for this. Then there is no getting away from it, you must pat the mix into something slightly solid, pick it up and plonk it onto a greased baking sheet/ aluminium foil covered tray and then pat/ shape/ compress/pat/shape some more, into a sausage/ meatloaf shaped thing, not too flat and wide, not too high and thin. You have of course already preheated your oven to 180C.(Medium, in oven terms). You cook it for 45-50 minutes in the middle of the oven.

While that's cooking you make the tomato sauce, easy...I fry up garlic, onion, red capsicum, add a big blob of tomato paste, a small tin of tomatoes, a 1/2 ish cup of water, another 1/2 teaspoon of oregano and 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds, and let it simmer away reducing nicely. You just play with the ingredients to get the thickness you want. Oh and stir through a pinch of salt.

When the meatloaf is ready (test by pricking and if the juices run clear it's ready, or simply cut the loaf through the middle for a good look), then take it out of the oven and let it stand, if you can stand to, for 5 minutes... it will fall apart less when you slice it then. Eat with green beans and hide the leftovers.
Resurrected Morris said @ 6:28pm GMT on 12th Mar
Fired Eggs

One egg

Melt butter at medium heat in a small pan
Crack egg into pan.
Cook till desired doneness is achieved.
Flip if you like.
Serve hot
mechanical contrivance said @ 11:23pm GMT on 12th Mar
Fired eggs might be a typo, but I hope it isn't.
b said @ 1:21am GMT on 13th Mar
I don't see fired in the ingredients, but I may have missed it. Let me just read the recipe again.
arrowhen said @ 2:35am GMT on 13th Mar
I want to know how you make fired eggs out of one egg.
arrowhen said @ 2:36am GMT on 13th Mar [Score:1 Insightful]
Well, fuck.
azazel said @ 1:45am GMT on 15th Mar
No, that won't do in your case. Semen != eggs.
mechanical contrivance said @ 4:51am GMT on 15th Mar
Now I'm thinking about human caviar. It's not a comfortable thought.
b said @ 2:46am GMT on 13th Mar
I don't see fired in the ingredients, but I may have missed it. Let me just read the recipe again.
brat#3 said @ 8:15pm GMT on 12th Mar
This is a cake I created in honour of the ones my Granddad used to make for me, with the addition of whiskey because he was a good Scotsman. If you like chocolate and caramel and whiskey this is the cake for you.

Granddad’s Chocolate Whiskey Cake with Caramel Filling & Salted Caramel Ganache

For the Chocolate Whiskey Cake
60g Bittersweet Chocolate
100ml hot water
1 tsp instant coffee granules
~100ml whiskey
2 cups sugar
1 2/3 cup standard flour
1 cup cocoa powder
1 ¼ tsp baking soda
½ tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt, scant
2 eggs
½ cup light-flavoured oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup buttermilk
1 tbsp whiskey, for brushing

For the Caramel Filling
1-2 tins of Highlander Sweetened Condensed Milk

For the Salted Caramel Ganache
250gms Bittersweet Chocolate
1/2 cup sugar
10 ml golden syrup
50 ml water
¾ cup cream, at room temperature
1/4 tsp sea salt

To Make the Caramel

Place the tins of condensed milk on their sides in a large pot, and add enough water to come halfway up the tins. Place onto element and bring water to a rolling boil over a high heat, then reduce to a simmer. Leave tins to cook for 2 ½ to 3 hours, adding more water as needed to keep the level to half the height of the tins. Move the tins from time to time while cooking. Once time has elapsed, remove the pot from the heat and carefully remove the tins, leaving them on a wire rack to cool completely before opening. Opening the tins before they are completely cool may result in the contents exploding.

To Make the Cake
1. Preheat oven to 150 degrees Celsius for a fan forced oven/170 degrees Celsius conventional.
2. Line the bases of 2 20cm tins with baking paper and grease the sides.
3. In a heatproof measuring jug, break the chocolate into small pieces. Combine the hot water and coffee in a cup and stir before pouring over the chocolate. Leave to sit for 15 seconds before stirring until the chocolate has melted. Add enough whiskey to bring the level up to 250ml, then stir and set aside.
4. Into a large bowl measure out the sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Whisk until combined and aerated.
5. Crack the eggs into a large metal mixing bowl, and beat on high speed until thick and a pale yellow colour, about 5 minutes. The mixture should be like a batter with minimal air bubbles rather than frothy.
6. Lower the mixing speed and gradually add the vegetable oil. Once incorporated, add the vanilla extract and the chocolate mixture, beating until just combined.
7. Add 1/3 of the flour mix and beat on low speed until incorporated. Repeat with ½ the buttermilk, then alternate flour and buttermilk, ending with the flour mix. Be careful not to over mix- only beat until there is no visible flour.
8. Divide the batter evenly between the two tins and place in the oven, leaving some distance between the tins. Bake for 1 hour or until an inserted skewer comes out clean. If your oven is smaller or has a known hot spot, rotate pans after 30 minutes.
9. Let cakes cool in the tin for 15 minutes before releasing, run a butter knife gently around the edge of the cake to remove the tin.
10. Move the cakes onto wire racks and prick the tops with a toothpick. Using a silicone or pastry brush add the final tablespoon of whiskey to the top of the cakes, a little at a time until both cakes are evenly moistened.
11. Leave to cool completely.
12. Wrap cakes in cling film and chill for at least 30 minutes before attempting to level, this will help prevent crumbling.
13. Use a serrated bread knife to level the top of the cakes, you can also use toothpicks as a guide when cutting to keep the top even. (I left the upper layer domed as it had risen so uniformly.)
14. With a palette knife, apply a thick layer of caramel to the top of one cake. Place the second cake on top, uncut side up, and twist a little while pressing down to sandwich. With the remaining caramel, cover the top of the cake. You can cover the sides if desired, but the caramel will collect around the base due to its heaviness. Refrigerate while preparing the ganache.
To Make the Salted Caramel Ganache
1. Break the chocolate into pieces, place in a medium sized heatproof bowl (glass is best) and set aside. Microwave on 50% power for 50 seconds, then stir and repeat for another 50 seconds. Stir until fully melted and then set aside to cool slightly.
2. Combine the sugar, golden syrup and water in a small saucepan and set over the element.
3. Turn the heat on medium, and let come to a boil. With a wet silicone brush push down any sugar which has splashed up the sides of the pan.
4. Let the mixture bubble until it becomes a dark amber caramel, gently moving the pan over the heat occasionally. This should take about four to five minutes. Keep a close eye on the colour and smell as the sugar will burn quickly. Remove from heat and slowly pour in the cream and sea salt. Stir until smooth, and most of the caramel is dissolved. If there are any pieces which do not dissolve strain them out with a fork.
5. Pour the caramel over the chocolate and stir together until smooth and glossy, adding more sea salt to taste.
6. Refrigerate for ten minutes until the consistency is thickened, then pour onto the top of the cake and smooth with a palette knife until it begins to run down the sides. The chilled cake will help it to set quickly.
steele said @ 4:25pm GMT on 13th Mar
azazel said @ 4:37am GMT on 16th Mar
ethanos said @ 7:02pm GMT on 16th Mar
mechanical contrivance said @ 11:41pm GMT on 16th Mar [Score:1 Good]

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